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100 Days of Random Colours - Weeks 9 and 10

Lee May Foster-Wilson / January 5, 2017

Thank you for all of the Creature collection love yesterday! The rection on Instagram and Facebook has been great and there will be lots of Creature of the Night goodies flying on their little moth wings to new homes today!

So, on with my 100 day project catch up. I really need to get this finished and on the blog as the next one starts in April and at this rate I will still be updating 2016's 100 day project when i'm starting 2017's...It's a resolution to keep the blog updated this year!

The 100 day project: Weeks 9 and 10...

Day 57: Quite a contrasting palette for today's selection...I'm working on some floral patterning for other things so thought I'd try another variation here with this red, lilac, black and green with red biro.

Day 58: The orange in this is actually neon but it doesn't show here, so this one is BRIGHT! It came out of the bag with the darkest blue and this pretty pink/purple, a green felt pen and a black biro...Luckily I wanted to draw some fruit so here are some neon Satsumas!

Day 59: A lovely bright combo today for this pattern. One thing I'm loving to do in this project is layering the colours...I find it works well in combinations like this where they are mostly of a similar tone to create a bit more depth and interest!

Day 60: Dark orange, sky blue and darkest blue sharpies, dark green felt pen and green biro...it's been a few weeks since I've drawn parrots here, that most colourful of birds, so here are some more! I'd not drawn them before starting this project but they are so fun to do...there's going to be more for sure.

Day 61: Pretty in pink ponies just y'know, hanging out under a tree, being pink.

Day 62: Neon green and neon yellow (argh!) with berry pink, a dark purple felt pen and green biro was a tough one but in the end seemed to lend itself quite well to a sunset over a field of flowers scene...

Day 63: Today's combination of two Jewel/berry pinks, yellow and dark green with blue biro had a very retro vibe and so needed a retro design! Something a bit different for me but that's what this project is all about, discovering new ideas and challenging myself with the unexpected.

Day 64: Two blues, two reds and a gold made me revisit my very old Eskimo Kiss idea...back when BF was a little fledgling I had a design similar to this printed onto t-shirts. Two people having an Eskimo kiss, no lips allowed.

Day 65: I plucked three of my newest sharpies for today's drawing, they came out of the pencil case with a bright green and the colours spoke of a Calathea Triostar!

Day 66: Two greens and a pink with blue felt pen and black biro...This day was a pretty big day in the UK and I knew how i was voting.

Day 67: I was feeling pretty on this day, worrying about how the leave vote will affect my business and in turn my young family over the next few years...These pretty nasturtiums went some way to cheering me a little though, especially as this turned out to be one of my favourite drawings of the whole project!

Day 68: I was still feeling blue about the previous day's result so this combo was quite apt...

Day 69: Two greens, two yellows and a lilac brought to mind budgies...I'm quite enjoying drawing exotic birds, it's conjuring all sorts of ideas!

Day 70: A pretty combo today of green/blue, blue and pink and purple with green biro and I thought I'd play with an ombré all over fern patter inspired by plants I saw on a walk this weekend...

Just over two more weeks of this project to document here...it's actually quite nice going back over the drawings as there are so many I'd forgotten about. So many ideas to elaborate on and run with!

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